Laughter's great. I believe it is often the best medicine. I admit I do have things I am upset about. I do not lack worries and things I much rather not have happen to me. There are many things I pout about, but I refuse to let it disable my ability to laugh.
Learning to laugh even during the gravest circumstances made me realize that often it is just a matter of point of view.
Every one have a great laugh. Sometimes, a hearty deep laugh is the only thing you need to feel so much lighter. Lifting the weight of the stress. Laughter is often contagious and lightens the mood of every one else around you. -- This was a great reminder.

Not so great with this one yet.Mainly because I don't know what my heart wants. I'm scared and I believe i have the rights to be.
I think asking me to move to another province is a lot to ask for. I believe asking me to put my trust and total faith in some one is a lot to ask for. -- So in that sense, maybe I do not dare love THAT completely. But it does not mean there is a lack of.
Love does not conquer everything. I need to feel that my schooling and my career is worth a damn. I've always seen myself as a helpless romantic. - maybe that's not so true after all?
Dare to Love Completely. -- But how complete is "Complete"?