Thursday, April 17, 2008


ooooooooo look ~~ Look what Bubbles did down there!! wooooo!!

Trial~~Will it Work?

ok ~
so ... bubbles figure out how to put songs on the Blogger site THROUGH Xanga lol...
coool eh. ~ but it cant be a blog post it has to be a section all on it's own.
also mean that Bubbles can only have one song at a time on the website.
but Bubbles guess it's better than nothing...
Wait, Bubbles just thought of something.. if Bubbles can do this... then... can Bubbles just post the song code directly on to a blog post entry? would that work?
let Bubbles try a try.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

My Heart

My heart is not where it wants to be,
It keep telling me so...i chose to ignore it,
but all i want now is to be free,
to stop feeling so confused, to stop struggling.
if only i was brave enough to step up.
to step up and tell the world what my heart screams out each night.
every night dream of the future i desire,
when i wake up each morning and realize it was all a dream,
i return to my usual routine, with no enthusiasm, no courage.

i've been waiting for some one to come and force me to take action
i know that wont happen. but i wish....

i thought i could handle this...
i ignored my honest friends and loving teachers and my caring aunt,
and i stumbled into this world, where people and things are cold and distant.
a world that seem so shallow and emotionless.
a world in which i do not belong.
now all i want is out. to run away.
but i have no energy, no courage to make any more changes.