As we talked about Christmas gift. You put in so much thought into what to get ur parents and your sisters. Heck, i put in a lot of thought towards what to get them too. then 2 weeks before i "plan" to show up you ask me what i want for Christmas -- but really it only came up coz i ask you what i am getting for Christmas. I really just want some indication that you put in some thought for me. because we've been talking about what you want and watever one else in your family wants. -- All i want is for you to say "something good", "it's a surprise" or something that would tell me that u didnt forget about me. -- i dont expect ur family to think about me. I do expect my bf to have thought about me. u asked me what i want. --that just really tells me that u havent thought about it at all.
but u told me that i already bought my own Xmas Christmas present. $20 ear muffs. apparently that was all i was getting. the same ear muffs i got your sister. trouble is, i wasnt just going to give her the ear muffs. When i told you that i thought i went a little too far with ur sister's Christmas present you told me that it wasnt alot even with the added stuff. -- i know this message is all jumbled up in to one thing. -- but i hope there's an understanding as to why i would be a little psychologically "unbalanced" with the idea. -- it wasnt too much for your sister, but for your gf it's enough.
THEN made a joking comment about me wanting the most / the best when i half complained. -- well i never said that.... but really... why not? i do want the most, the best. not from ur sisters or ur brother in law. -- but from my bf? YES. i do. ur sisters' got their bf / husband to spoil them. If u want to spoil them, then that's ur thing. But is it wrong of me to expect my bf to spoil me more than he spoils any one else?
what's looks like i'm trying to impress ur sister. which i dont understand why i am... i'm not asking her to impress me. and frankly if i was to be a mean bitch, i would say i really care what she thinks of me. If what ur sisters think changes what u feel about me then u dont really love me. u love who ever will make ur family happy. and i'm not it, i'm not an entertainment doll.
So. Get ur parents the $300 receiver. get urself $1100 microphones. ur gf? heck check the dollar store they have some neat stuff there. i'll bet they will still have things in stock the day before Christmas.