Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nov. 20th 2007~ !!

Nov. 20th 2007~~
Hummm it started off as a very aweful midnight hw session.
Economics was driving me crazy... been working on this assignment for quite a while... 2 weeks to be exact. and well Wednesday (tomorrow) is the due date. So i was making final adjustments and etc. and our very lame(but nice and goood) professor ask us to type up our assignments.. so i was trying to make all sorts of formulas and equations, and formating appear on my stupid hw.
That was my awful Tuesday 2am.
Finally finished, and got into bed at 3am and decided it wasn't worth the effort to attend my morning class. ~


I slept in until 10, showered and got ready for work...
was in a very grumpy mood. ~ Got to Vera's (place where i work)
Said a quick hello to my boss. and went straight to the back to see what i could do that doesnt involve me having to deal with the customers.

Shahin(my boss), however, was in a extremely happy mood today. Started Dancing and singing around me. he's always been silly, but today was even more so.
he asked me to do the recycling, i was glad i could, (means i could go and take as long as i want flattening the cardboard all on my own.... no customers)
Yes very Dark and unhappy Sandy at that moment. ...

one thing about working at Vera's, ppl are so nice there, and Shahin is so polite and silly it is hard to stay grumpy even if u were having a bad day....

so as i worked, my mood got better~ then Shahin put in a DVD (i dont know what it was) into our flat screen TV, and it was showing ppl who cant dance but is dancing hah! look sooo funny, that got me laughing. i guess shahin notice my unusually quiet mood and point at me and said "look JP (my coworker) i made her laugh!"

When we take ur order we ask for ur name and when ur order is ready we call out ur name for u to pick it up at the counter.
~~ so later on that night, this guy in his mid 20's came in with his friend and ordered. JP took the order, and i was making the food... she turned to me and told me i have to say the guy's name really loud.. i didnt get what she was saying at first coz i always make sure our customers can hear me and come get their order...
not until i had to call out the name for the order i realised...
the name was:
"Sexy Pants"

lol~ i turned to JP and asked. are u serious? she said yea, Dead serious. really loud plz.
so i called "Sexy Pants" and this guy turned around and grinned and ask "SORRY!?!? I CANT HEAR YOU WHAT'S THAT? Louder plz!!"
and he went "ohh! that's gotta be me!"

the next customer thought that was funny and decided to do a name of his own....
and called himself "Sir Cocks A Lot"...
i ....sigh... ppl.. you should see my face after that Sexy pants episode.. it was Pink..

now with this Sir Cocks A Lot, my face was BURNING HOT.... not coz of the name but coz they are forcing me to scream those things out....
i've gotta say,,, Vera's a VERY VERY good restarant so needless to say it was a full house packed with ppl grinning at me...

but after that, i could no longer keep a straight face. my day ended with me here, now, grinning to myself as i write about my Not So Average Day.

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