Friday, December 28, 2007


世界上最傻的人, 明知道他眼中沒有自己…卻還是死心踏地的愛他。
世界上最傻的人, 他可以沒有自己…自己卻還是不能沒有他。
世界上最傻的人, 愛的苦、愛的痛、愛的累,卻還要堅持去愛。
世界上最傻的人, 明明他就在你的旁邊…卻還是不告白。
世界上最傻的人, 即使心裡不願意...卻還是會誠心祝福他幸福。
世界上最傻的人, 永遠只會看著他和別人快樂,自己卻每晚躲在棉被裡哭泣。
世界上最傻的人, 掩飾自己對他的情感不說...眼睜睜看著他對別人好。
世界上最傻的人, 不在乎自己會傷的有多麼重...卻在乎他是否快樂。
世界上最傻的人, 只在乎他到底快不快樂,卻不在乎自己有多難過。
世界上最傻的人, 只會關心著他事情…卻不懂得多愛自己一點。
世界上最傻的人, 是只會一廂情願的人。
世界上最傻的人, 是不求他回報自己的人。
世界上最傻的人, 是愛他說不出口的人。


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tired Day At Work

Today, i started work at 11am, i work with 2 other guys, one of which is my boss. and the other is one of those 'big brother' figure for me. so i was really happy working the first shift.
Usually when ppl work double shifts, the night ppl know, and will cut you some slack and not ask you to do a lot at night.
but the guy i worked with tonight night was... sigh. well...
simply put. i can barely keep my smile to the customers (barely... but i managed). nearing the end of the night shift i had to lean against the counter to ease the pain of my back and feet.
(job requires me to keep standing, so working for 12 hrs means standing for 12 hrs)

i asked him to do something, he would stroll around til i got tired of waiting and go do it myself.

at some point i would kneel down to get something in the lower drawers and wish i could kneel like that for a while longer.

you know u are REALLY tired when kneeling becomes a luxury.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Leo.

Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy, but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.

Yup! that's a Leo alright~ totally me!!!~
well i dont know about being a Great kisser or Addictive or not.
but absolutely Out Going, and Loves Being in Long Relationships and totally Talkative
Not some one u wanna mess with!! haha (definately good when found hehe)
just a little heads up~.