Monday, August 20, 2007

I Cant believe… sigh…
“If you have some time, you wanna do something?”
after months and months of shutting me out, pushing me away AND ignoring me…
how can some one be so cold? I tried to talk to him… and the funny thing is that I didn't even know him, haven't even met the guy. But I want this friendship to work. He was the first guy I could talk to when I came to Canada. We talked for hours, we were friends, great friends.
Then one day he told me he had feelings for me, I was shocked, but I didn't run away.
I stayed where I was, I didn't change, I talked how I use to, I acted the way I use to.
Then, a week later he said he was hurting, by this other girl. His ex. --A week!!! And said he needed some time.
He remind me so much of this Korean ASS I “kinda” dated, a DAMN week..
How could any one do that to another person? If they didn't mean it, why do they say it? Why? It doesn't make any sense, it just doesn't.

Months and Months Later…
Now when the time is convenient for him he asks me if I have time, if I wanna do something with him. After all this time, ignoring me. After all this time.
What did he expect? That I just pretended all the absence in the middle didn't happen? That I was ok with all the ignoring? He didn't explain, he didn't do anything. Just asked me if I wanna do something, if I was bored. Why does he fricken care if I was bored?

I'm tired of all these lies ppl tell me. Told me they care when they don't. Told me they like me when they don't. Told me they'll take care of me when they know they wont. Told me that they'll be there for me when they don't want to.
I'm tired.
I hate it but I cant seem to cut these ppl out. I tried to quit Daniel and claimed that I did. But. I haven't. to be perfectly honest, I haven't. it's killing me. But I haven't, and that's the reason it is killing me, it's coz I haven't. I still wish that one day he would come say hi. You know just the casual saying hi. So far no such luck.

back at some point i had two "bros" now i've got a guy who couldnt care less if he tried but still make small talk once in a while. and another who likes pretending i dont exsist.
that worked out great... sigh.
Emotion is a stupid thing. wish i had none of it.

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