Monday, September 17, 2007

I wanna Feel...

I wanna feel "love",
like Ryan Loves Marissa (in The OC)
like Seth Loves Summer (in The OC)
like Derick Loves Merideth (in the 3rd Season of Grey's Anatomy)
like Clark Loves Lana (in Smallville)
like Ross Loves Rachel (in Friends)
like 五阿哥 Loves 小燕子

Some one who thinks I'm worth the Effort,
Some one who would sit in the rain for hours, just so that they could talk to me
Some one who wants to protect me
Some one who wants to be there for me through good times and bad
Some one who would tell me to expect him to be there, and be there.
Some one who doesnt quit on "us" the second we run into problems
Some one who believes I'm worth the effort.

I wanna feel the rush
I wanna feel the racing of my heart when "he" walks into the room.
I wanna feel myself blushing
I wanna feel like I cant help myself smiling
I wanna feel safe, secure, and charished

I wanna cuddle
I wanna be able to make "him" feel happier when i am near
I wanna be able to lean against him
I wanna be able to trust "him", and "him", me.
I wanna be able to feel him near
feel he cares, feel he wanna care, feel he will care and take initiative to care...
(yes, they are different..)

我不需要天涯海角, 我不需要天長地久. 我只要現在擁有

If anything,
I wanna feel "love" (what ever that may be)

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