Saturday, March 15, 2008

世界上最傻的人, 明知道他眼中沒有自己…卻還是死心踏地的愛他。
the world's silliest person, is knowing there is no you in his heart, but still love him the way you do.
世界上最傻的人, 他可以沒有自己…自己卻還是不能沒有他。
The world's silliest person, he can live without, but you can't live without him.
世界上最傻的人, 愛的苦、愛的痛、愛的累,卻還要堅持去愛。
The world's silliest person, love is bitter, love is painful, love is tiring, but you still keep loving
世界上最傻的人, 明明他就在你的旁邊…卻還是不告白。
The world's silliest person, is knowing that he's right there be side you, but doesnt have the guts to tell him you love him
世界上最傻的人, 不在乎自己會傷的有多麼重...卻在乎他是否快樂。
The world's silliest person, doesnt care how much you are hurting, but is concerned whether or not he is happy.
世界上最傻的人, 只會關心著他事情…卻不懂得多愛自己一點。
The world's silliest person, only cares about him, but doesnt know how to love yourself more.

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