Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Continuous Studies

Continuous studies... what does that mean...
well it's kinda simple, it is just studying continuously.~
it just that they make it sound nicer by switching it around. but actually that is what it means. ~ people manipulate things so that it sounds better than it actually means.

well wat can i do about it... nothing areally... i just really hope these 4 years can fly by in a flash... so i can get out of here.
i'm not saying that i dont like my classes... dont get me wrong.. i actualy dont mind them coz they are interesting.. but the exams and test... they really get to me... i dont know why they do.. but they just do... i hate it that it is...because i can do so well in projects and classwork.. but when it comes to exams... i just go blank...

i dont see what is the point of the exams.. and tests. because really in real life project and assignments are what really happens right? no one is going to test you what u know about calculus when u are in work... they might require you using it.. but u can always look up the calculation formula if u forget.. so what's the point? so math you can give lots of work and stuff but what's the use of banning us from Calculator and Formula sheets? who is really gonna ban you from calculator at work... in fact i dont think there is any kind of work that requires you to be able to do calculus in ur head...

so math exams with out formula sheets and calculator is totally unrealistic... really no point... sigh.. and yet that is what we are ended up with in uni... along with all the other subjects.. who really is goning to test if u know all the concepts in Economics when u apply for a job? if u dont know it.. just look it up... that's what books are for.. and when u know the stuff well enough gradually you will be able to memorise the ones u use most... but u dont have to remember EVERYTHING RIGHT?

totally insane... i wish i was the school board.. i would change everything.

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