Monday, August 06, 2007

Taiwanese Side of Sandy: Her All Time Favorites

All Time Favorite Chinese TV series: 還珠格格
Watched the first two seasons 5 times and still haven't got tired of it yet!!
All Time Favorite Chinese Actor: 蘇有朋 (from TW)
All Time Favorite Chinese Actresses: 趙薇(China) ,林心如(TW)
All Time Favorite Chinese Singers: 羅志祥(TW) , 張韶涵(TW) , 林俊傑 , 王力宏(TW)
All Time Favorite Chinese Food: 雞湯麵
All Time Favorite Chinese Quote: 山無稜 天地合 才敢與君絕

To Me, Chinese is a language full of passion, love, 是能讓一對情人之間最能了解的語言 雖然許多時候, 中國人常說 一切竟在不言中. 但是我覺得, 如果感情的事沒有辦法用中文來表達的話, 那其他的語言也不用說了
只有用中文我才能夠灑嬌 能夠裝可愛 能夠讓我孩子氣的一面顯示出來

用英文這些是 一點都不通 我一直認為 英文是一個很嚴肅的語言 是一個很straightforward, 很action driven 的語言 就比如說 我看英文的愛情片/ 連戲劇 一直都是 I Love You? 接下來不會多說一定就是動作來表示他有多愛 Of course I dont mean kissing and making love. 我也在說為愛的人做的一切 there is action, but rarely taking of how these action should be taken. But I guess it should be explained as being realistic.

可是在看中文的愛情片 裡中的愛情 花言巧語 甜言蜜語 種種不少
再加上 天盟海誓 天涯海角 天長地久 白頭偕老 這些聽起來多麼動人
許多時候 每個人聽了這些話 除了動人之外 還有想像空間 讓自己的心為電視螢幕裡的主角動搖
心動的程度, 想像的空間 比任何導演的畫面都強烈阿

再說, 你在會演電影 也演不出 天盟海誓 白頭偕老 獨一無二 的畫面阿

就算 "盡在不言中" 這也是英文最好的解釋和翻譯 也翻譯不出中文簡簡單單的這幾個字的強烈意思 When translated into English, it becomes long-winded, and wordy. No longer express the passion, appreciation and strength of the 5 simple word it was in Chinese.

1 comment:

JJ said...

I love you! I really really do! All the girls from back in the Suzhou days. I don't quite know how to read this post but thanks for the support. You can always ask me for legal advise. I can't guarentee the strength of that advise but ask away! LOL